Friday, September 19, 2008

Should you stay in a relationship with a cheater?

Maybe. If your mate has cheated on you once, expressed profound remorse, participated in counseling and convinced you that they will never be unfaithful again; you should possibly consider giving them another chance if you you love them, can forgive them and are willing to do the work necessary to move on. If, however, any of the aforementioned conditions does not exist, cut your losses and dump the cheater.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

How to Create an Irresistible Online Dating Profile

Which online dating sites are you registered with? Yahoo!Personals?

Whether you’re a member of any or all of the aforementioned matchmaking sites, one of the gazillion I didn’t mention or even if you haven’t yet joined one but you know you want to, I can teach you how to create an absolutely irresistible online dating profile that is sure to net you more requests for contact than you’ll know what to do with.

Be prepared, you will be overwhelmed with responses.

The Perfect Picture

You know the old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. When it comes to online dating the right picture can translate into thousands of hits for your profile.

Your should submit a profile picture that showcases how attractive (note that I said attractive, not pretty, gorgeous or beautiful) you are, reveals your personality, reflects your values and whets the viewer’s appetite for more. The idea here is to make prospects want to learn more about you and, eventually, want to meet you.

It’s not necessary to have professional portraits taken, but it is essential that your profile picture be clear, easily visible and flattering. This is the time to put your best face forward.

Wear an outfit you would wear on a date. It should be sexy, not slutty, and should reflect your taste, style and individuality. It should make you stand out from the crowd. The outfit you wear for your profile should scream “Wow!” If you don’t have an outfit like this in your closet, go buy one.

You should wear just enough makeup to accentuate your best features and minimize the appearance of blemishes. Pay special attention to your eyebrows and eyelashes. You want to draw attention to your beautiful eyes because that’s where potential suitors will look to find clues about what type of person you are.

Your hair should be freshly washed and styled. If you need a haircut or a touch up on your color or perm, get it done before posing for your profile picture.

Of course, you should flash your brightest, sweetest, most sincere smile for the camera. After all, you want prospective dates to know how contagiously happy you are and how much fun it would be to spend time with you.

Your body language should communicate that you are warm, approachable and sincere. Practice poses that send this message in front of a mirror. Don’t have your picture taken until you can assume the pose you decide best communicates this message about you easily and naturally.

Descriptions That Dazzle

Here is where you will need to take a cue from marketing gurus, sales professionals and advertising copywriters.

Your profile description should make you sound like a dream date and potential wife, not a hookup or booty call. Who wants to start a relationship with woman who practically advertises that she is promiscuous? You want to tantalize not tease.

Use adjectives that both honestly describe you and clearly communicate that you are a wonderful catch. Adjectives such as “successful,” “honest,” “fun-loving,” “adventurous” and “faithful” tell a lot about a person. Take some time to reflect on who you are and what you want people to know about you. Brainstorm adjectives that convey that information. Incorporate those adjectives into your profile description.

Don’t hesitate to include a brief anecdote that captures your personality and sense of humor. Keep it real, and keep it short.

Communication is the Cure for Most Relationship Ailments

Communication can go a long way toward curing whatever ails your relationship. Simply talking about your thoughts, feelings, ideas and experiences can prevent a relationship rift. If your relationship is at-risk or has already suffered damage, communicating can go a long way toward healing emotional wounds.

Follow these ground rules when communicating about relationship problems:
1. Be considerate of the other person's feelings.
2. When you are discussing problem behaviors, focus on how the behavior the person engaged in made you feel--not how the person who engaged in the behavior made you feel.
3. Avoid accusatory language and tone of voice.
4. Try to view the situation from the other person's perspective.
5. Realize that starting a dialogue is only the first step. You need to take a holistic approach to healing. Look at the situation from all angles. Tackle each component of the problem as a self-contained issue.
7. Be respectful.
8. Be sincere.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Optimize Your Love Life With Random Acts of Romance

Regardless of how long you have been with your mate, you need to work to maintain the passion, excitement and romance in your relationship. In all stages of a relationship, if you steadily invest in the relationship by being proactively kind and steadfastly committed you will reap endless dividends and an enormous return on investment (ROI) in terms of the longevity of your relationship and the tremendous joy it will bring you. Random acts of romance can be as simple as a Post-It note containing the words "I love you." or as elaborate as an unexpected weekend getaway to a new or favorite romantic hotspot or hideaway. Whether you let them know with flowers, candy, a surprise picnic lunch or a tropical island vacation, optimize your love with random acts of romance.