Sunday, August 26, 2007

Take Care of Yourself

Building successful relationships requires enormous energy. You need to be in the best physical condition possible.

Make an appointment with your physician. Have everything checked out and get a clean bill of health.

Do you eat right? If you know you need to do better in this department, see a nutritionist. Obtain and stick to a healthy eating plan. Find out which dietary supplements will benefit you. Purchase them and take them regularly.

See your dentist. Get your teeth cleaned and checked.

Does your skin look it’s best? If not, make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Take good care of yourself, not because you want to be in the best possible health when you start a relationship, because you want to be in the best possible health for yourself.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Secret to Making A Man Fall In Love With YOU

It is not what he sees when he looks at you that will make a man fall deeply, passionately, helplessly and hopelessly in love with you, but how you make him see (and feel about) himself.

What Makes A Woman Truly Attractive

There is nothing more attractive than a confident, self-assured woman. No amount of physical alterations, whether chemical or surgical, can substitute for the gift of knowing who you are and that you deserve the very best. Looking good is the result of accentuation, not alteration. Learn to take what you have and make what you need.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Room For Improvement

Now we can talk about the areas that need improvement.

Let’s start at the top. Is your hair healthy and free of frizz and split ends? Is your mane lustrous and shiny? Is it your crowning glory? Do you like your hair color? How about the cut? Is it flattering? Does it reflect your personal style?

Next let’s take a look at your eyes. Are your brows neatly shaped? Do you wear eyeglasses? If so, do they fit properly? Do they flatter your face? Do you have bags or dark circles underneath your eyes?

Do you take good care of your skin? Is your complexion even and blemish free? Is your skin smooth and soft to the touch?

Do you wear makeup? Is it applied properly? Does it enhance your features?

How’s your posture? Did you know that practicing proper posture can instantly make you look five pounds slimmer?

What are your best features? What do you do to draw attention to them?

What features are you least pleased with? What are you doing to deflect attention away from them?

How’s your shape shaping up? Are your shoulder’s narrow? Does your tummy protrude? Are your legs chunky?

In the greater scheme of things, it really doesn’t matter whether you’re a natural born knockout. I’m not contradicting my previous statement that appearances count. There is a big difference between not caring about your looks and accepting that you’re not perfect.

Now That We're A Little More Comfortable

Now go back to the mirror. Assuming your home is kept at a comfortable temperature and your friends haven’t jumped from behind the sofa yelling “Surprise!”, you should be a lot more comfortable with yourself in the buff. This is great news, because comfort with oneself is a sure sign of self-acceptance.

At this point you can put your clothes back on—-if you want to.

The Naked Truth

Okay, now back to the mirror. Get a pen and a piece of paper and write down what you do and do not like about what you see. Make sure you either sit or stand in front of the mirror for at least another 15 minutes before you begin writing. Really take the time to study yourself as others do and try to see yourself the way others see you.

When you’re done listing your likes and dislikes, put the paper away for just a minute and return to the mirror.

Now take your clothes off. All of your clothes—-every single item. It’s okay if you’re a little uncomfortable at first. Most women are not at all comfortable with their bodies, especially their unclothed bodies.

Study your reflection. Check out your frontal and back views and both side profiles.

Now get your paper and pen again and write down the rest of your likes and dislikes. Once you’re done—-and I’m assuming you have some privacy—-don’t put your clothes back on immediately.

Walk around the house. Do your exercises. Water your plants. Watch television. Have a sandwich. Do anything that you would normally be doing while wearing clothing.

I’m not trying to transform you into a nudist here. The point is for you to become comfortable with yourself. I want you to get so comfortable with yourself that you could swap family recipes with your grandmother (you probably want to do this over the phone unless you have a VERY progressive grandmother) without wearing so much as a stitch.

Perception is Reality

You may not even be conscious that your appearance is sending negative messages. As far as you are concerned, you may be just being comfortable. But perception is reality. It doesn’t matter that that’s not the message you intend to send. What matters is people will believe that it is. So make sure your appearance says what you want it to say about you.

It's Not What You Have, It's How You Present It

Consider this: maybe it’s not the raw material you find unattractive, but the presentation. Have you ever noticed how some neighbors’ lawns are always neat and well-manicured while some others are always overgrown and strewn with trash. The way those lawns look tell you a lot about the way the homeowners feel about their surroundings. The lawns that always look nice look that way because they are being cared for by their owners, while the lawns that are always shabby are obviously not being taken care of.

The same logic applies to your personal appearance. If you care about yourself, you take care of yourself … and it shows. Conversely, if you don’t take care of yourself, you probably don’t make a point of making sure you always look your best. What that tells others is you don’t think very highly of yourself. Sure, all of us are guilty of slumming sometimes. But if looking trashed is your normal M.O., you will be perceived by others as someone who doesn’t care about herself. Others will reason that if you don’t even care about yourself why should anyone else bother to care about you.

If You're Not Entirely Pleased With Your Image...For Now

It’s okay if you’re not entirely pleased with your image (as reflected to you and as perceived by others) for now. But it is important that you determine what it is about what you see that you don’t like so you’ll know what you will need to work on.

Do you like what you see in the mirror?

Do you find the image you’re looking at attractive? Enticing? Approachable? Why or why not?

Pretend you are a stranger seeing yourself for the first time. What is your first impression? Write down your thoughts.

The Total Package

The first thing you need to do is find a good full-length mirror. Stand in front of it and take a good long look at yourself. What do you see? I’m not talking about the makeup or the hairstyle, or even the features. I mean the total package.

Mr. Right Will Not Make All Your Troubles Go Away

So if you are entertaining the misguided notion that having the right man in your life will solve all your problems and make all your troubles go away, you're mistaken. Address the issues in your life that are hindering your happiness. If necessary, obtain professional help to surmount these obstacles. Take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Once you realize that you deserve to be happy in your own right, regardless of whether or not you have found that someone special to share your life with, and you start living your life will soon you will be on your way to a happy, healthy, fulfilling, successful and DELICIOUSLY SATISFYING relationship.

Answer This Question Honestly

Why do you want a man in my life?

If you want a man to complement your life, you are on the right track. A healthy, fulfilling relationship with a warm, loving man is a pleasure every woman should have the opportunity to experience. This book will help you do just that.

If, however, you are looking for a man to complete your life, I need to clarify something for you. Having a man in your life will not complete you. You need to be a complete, mentally stable, emotionally healthy person before you even think about adding another person to the mix. Simply put, you will never find true happiness with another person until you’ve found it within yourself!

Happy Endings Aren't Just For Fairytales

All you have to do is pay attention and follow the advice I’m giving you in this blog, and you’ll have everything you need to find the man of your dreams and live happily ever after with him.

Happy endings aren’t just for fairy tales you know. Nor are fairy tale romances just for raving beauties. You don’t have to be a beauty pageant winner, or even a runner-up, to find romance. In fact, one of the least physically attractive women I have ever encountered is also one of the luckiest in love. By the way, I’m not being unkind in my description. In her own words, this woman is “so ugly she could sit on a tombstone and hatch hobgoblins.”

So even if you’re baldheaded, flat-chested and cross-eyed with one tooth in your head, you can find glorious love and enjoy a wonderfully fulfilling relationship with the man of your dreams for the rest of your life.

If you’re ready to begin your new life of romantic fulfillment, keep reading.

Wedded Bliss

The best part of having a deliciously satisfying relationship is the honeymoon doesn’t have to end once you’re married with children. I still experience those pleasures (and then some) with my loving husband, and we have been married for quite some time now.

About Deliciously Satisfying Relationships

All of us desire satisfying and fulfilling relationships. The purpose of this blog is to help you develop, maintain and sustain healthy, happy relationships that bring you unbridled joy. Here's to the deliciously satisfying relationships that await you!

For Ladies Only

Warning: The posts providing infallible advice for finding the man of your dreams, excerpted from a book I am writing titled For Women Only: The Infallible Guide To Getting Your Man, are intended for single, heterosexual women. Use them wisely and responsibly. And whatever you do, don’t ever reveal these powerful secrets to any man!